Wanting More than Okay with Jo Clark
Pretending everything was ‘ok’ and ‘I’m fine’ had finally taken its toll. It took a ‘bathroom floor’ moment for me to realise that. And it changed the whole course of my life.
A few years ago, my life was quite different and on the outside, I seemed just ‘fine’. But in reality, I was like a duck paddling underwater. I really didn’t want to examine my life too closely, and certainly didn’t want to bore or burden anyone with the details.
But that came at a cost. It also turns out that waiting for the right time to focus on your own self-care isn’t when life is less busy. I learned the hard way - it needs to happen now. It turns out, that the biggest change and biggest impact comes in the daily small steps and small actions.
Listen as I reflect, share my story and chat about:
When life looks great on the outside and the idea of soldiering on, even though life is going at breakneck speed.
How our role changes in midlife, whether it’s due to empty nest, loss of our parents, changing careers and more.
The seesaw of perimenopause and hormones.
The bathroom floor moment that brings us to our knees and how they can help bring us back to our senses.
Seeing firsthand the consequences of chronic disease and poor medical advice and taking responsibility that I did not want for myself.
I recognise that my inner transformation work, decades of teaching experience, studies and mentoring expertise have all led me to create a heart-led business that supports women through this phase of life.
If you’re wanting to make some positive changes in your life but you’re not sure where to start I would love to invite you to explore with me the options as mentioned in this episode.
Register for the Masterclass on the 12th of July 2023 (replay available) - ‘How to go from ‘surviving to thriving’ during the menopause transition and beyond’ - www.joclarkcoaching.com/thrive
The Better Than Before Online monthly membership is also open for enrolments. Perfect for the perimenopausal or post-menopausal woman who is ready to take action and ownership of her health and wellness. Find out more details www.joclarkcoaching.com/better
You can also find me on Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/joclarkcoaching/ and Private Facebook Group –https://www.facebook.com/groups/womenswellnesscollective1.
Here’s to redefining midlife and making our next half of life even better than the first.